off-page seo

Off-page SEO is one of the powerful SEO tactics to rank higher on the search engine. If you want people to remember about your brand and talk about your services and brand then you should go beyond what your website is based on.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the complete off-page SEO factors and why it’s important in online marketing, and why businesses are using it in the online segment. Read further to know more about On-page SEO and the businesses which are using it in the digital world and you can implement this in your business and drive more sales and increase your growth.

What is off-page SEO?

Offpage SEO (also known as off-site SEO) basically refers to the action taken outside your website the factors you do outside your website.

Off-page SEO is more than just getting the links there are a vast variety of techniques that are used in off-page SEO to boost your website traffic over the competition. once you are off-page SEO then it can last for years providing authority to your domain and increase ranking in the search engine.

Many people consider external linking as the strong ranking factor but both off-page and on-page SEO is the ranking factor that we consider at bloggers guidance.

Optimizing the content for the off-page SEO refers to improving the rankings of your website and considering the factors from the user’s perspective like trustworthiness, relevance, authority. This is achieved with the help of linking to other authority sites and people also by getting links from the other quality content and websites which have authority.

Off-page SEO is not always about linking it’s about the quality of the links. There are people who think that only linking matters to boost your traffic but it’s not true linking with less authority and low-quality content will hurt your ranking.

Why does off-page SEO matter?

Google uses many ranking factors to rank a site. It’s very difficult to rank your blog based on content because people are writing more content than you. so off-page SEO comes into the picture here. Your telling google about your website and what people think about your website you’re helping Google to determine your content and how helpful and relevant to the user that’s why having quality links matters.

We don’t know which algorithm Google is using to rank the content but according to research the ranking factor which is off-page SEO it carries more than 50% of the ranking weight of the website.

Off-page SEO matters because content can’t be on a pedestal to rank on the search engine we need to consider the external factors to rank on the search engine.

On-page SEO vs off-page SEO vs technical SEO

These three categories are

• On-page SEO

• Off-page SEO

• Technical SEO

The main differences between them

The definitions of the approaches are

On-page SEO

The techniques which are used on the site by optimizing the titles, tags, and content and the main factor of on-page SEO is internal linking with this your helping search engine understand your content by optimizing the titles and descriptions it helps in increasing the ranking of your content

There are a lot of factors like titles, tags, and image optimization, and much more this all fall under on-page SEO

Off-page SEO

Offpage SEO (also known as off-site SEO) basically refers to the action taken outside your website the factors you do outside your website.

Off-page SEO is more than just getting the links there are a vast variety of techniques that are used in off-page SEO to boost your website traffic over the competition. once you off-page SEO then it can last for years providing authority to your domain and increase ranking in the search engine.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO covers factors that are related to your website indexing and crawling of your site by search engine many people say that this all falls under on-page SEO but it’s not considered in on-page SEO site optimization and structured data all are the part of technical SEO

13 Off-page SEO factors

Let’s dive into the 13 factors of off-page SEO that works in getting traffic organically through search engines.

1. Link Building

Link building should be the strong and the primary factor of off-page SEO strategy and it should be the backbone of off-page SEO. One of the things which you should be focusing on is approaching building the links as an off-page technique.

One of the tactics of doing off-page SEO strongly is building your business authority. Getting links from authority websites helps to build your website authority and it will beneficial to you in the long term.

Websites with the authority are considered trustworthy websites and they have a good impression on google which will help you to pass the link juice.

As a business you should focus on building quality links and quantity should not be a factor building quality links will help you to rank on the search is important for you to understand the gap between your site and your competitor sites.

But there are more factors with which you can build the off-page SEO strongly than simply focusing on authority websites it is not easy to target authority websites and get links from them but if you do it in the right approach you might end up getting links from them.

Here are some of the factors you need to consider while getting links from authority websites.


By now you might have understood the importance of having quality links for the authority of your page and the impact of links on the site. Having quality over quantity links will increase your website authority and mainly getting links from the authority sites will increase your ranking.

If your checking for the authority of the site then places your domain in the search bar of tools like SemRush and Ahrefs also we have a list of keyword research tool. You will measure domain authority with authority score it is the overall compound score of your site considering the quality links and many other factors. According to SEMrush data following are the score.

• No, follow, and do follow the backlinks of the site.

• Overall Quality links on the site.

• Quantity of referring domains and the referring IP’s

• Organic search traffic of the site.

• A number of users on the site by the analytic reports.

For the number of backlinks on the site, you can use the backlink tool which will help in measuring backlinks of the site. By placing the domain on the backlink tool you will find not only links but also the overall backlinks data of the site.

Domains Uniqueness

Another factor of link building strategy is the number of unique referring domains on your site even the number of backlinks. the studies conducted have shown a correlation between the number of linking domains and the higher ranking. domain diversification should be a key focus on your link-building strategy.

You can get the referring unique domains to your website with the help of the backlink tool it will give you clear data of the unique domains referring to your site.


The main goal you should aim for when link building is topic relevancy you should get links in your same niche it will help you ranking and build the authority of your site.

For example, if you have a site on food then you should get the links from the site of food blogging or the people who have a site on any topic related to food it’s always better for the long term to get the links in your niche.

Focus on getting the links in your niche newbie bloggers get links from the sites not related to their sites which will hurt their ranking so make sure you get the links from the relevant sites.

2. Building Brand

We all know that Google considers brands and rewards them.

Building a brand should be the key factor of your off-page SEO it should not only be the SEO and marketing strategy and one’s again it comes down to the point of building an online authority both for the user and the search engine.

If you rebuilding your brand it will eventually increase your brand searches and your brand will rank in the search engine. Also, you can use the keyword tool to find the trends that have evolved over the period of time.

The efforts you have out in building a brand will help you in increasing the credibility in the eye of search engines that’s why it has become the important factor on off-page SEO. By building a brand you will earn links that are naturally without even working much on that approach.

3. Content Marketing

When we think of content marketing it comes to on-page SEO tactics that we create content and publishing the content which is displayed on our site.

But when we focus on an overview of the content it’s not about only on-page SEO. when we talk about content marketing then on-page SEO is only one part of content marketing and both on-page SEO and off-page SEO combined together are what we call content marketing.

Any piece of content you write and publish anywhere on the web falls under the category of content marketing. If you want to write a guest post that is content marketing create infographics and link to your website that is content marketing.

Content marketing is simply creating a piece of content and promoting the content on various web platforms. It is more about creating quality and engaging content which is focused on the problem of the people and which they like and share it to different platforms that is content marketing.

Some of the common content marketing factors that will work

• Blog post

• Infographics and carousels

• Free ebook

• Free courses

• Content marketing is linked with social media and PR as well as building quality links will help you to build your brand.

It all comes down to that simple point that if you have a great piece of content let people know about you. Also, you can use a content marketing tool that will you to build online traction and building a brand.

4. Public Relations (PR)

For a long time, PR and seo were considered as different marketing strategy but in the recent time the gap has been reduced and they have come together as a strong strategy to build a brand.

Now digital PR is the link-building strategy to many SEO’s it is used to build perfect authority links at scale. You can use PR for link building and get a great volume of links with PR.

A recent study shows that an average campaign of PR earns links of 10 -20 referring domains at a point in time.

PR not only helps in the link building which is an off-page seo factor it Also helps in the above factors

• Increase your brand awareness which results in brand searches

• It will show your brand to your targeted audience which helps people talking about your brand

• It will help to drive the referral traffic

• It will help you in positioning as a thought leader which will help in building trust signals.

5. Social Media

Social media is the most powerful thing today we all live in the social media world and access a lot of information on social media.

In fact, 97% of digital consumers use social media today. Social media plays a very important role in the way we consumers use the search engine or to search our questions and get answers from it. We use social media as a search engine to search.

Let’s get this thing straight and clear that social sharing is not a ranking factor.

Treat your social media as a search engine and the discovery platform which will help you in understanding the present and interact with the potential customers and answer the queries of the people who are searching will also help you to interact with the brands.

Social media is used as a customer service platform. If a customer wants to raise questions the first thing they will find is your social media as a port to connect.

It is very important that you answer the queries of the people in a professional manner and treat your social media as another brand make sure both existing and potential customers will discover that in the part of their sales journey or their business journey.

6. Local SEO (GMB & Citations)

While local is the complete and clear discipline in its own way but they are two key factors in local seo that can contribute to the off-page seo and these are these strong ranking factors for a website. The two factors are google my business and citations

Google my business

Google my business plays a very important role in the online presence of any business and it is very easy to optimize your page and forget it and it will rank in the amp is the off pages seo factor.

Let’s get this thing clear that GMB is not your site so your own website will count as off-page seo so putting more effort into this rather than your website is not beneficial so make sure to optimize your site as well.

It has been reported recently that 46% of the total Google searches look for local information and that 4 to 5 consumers use the search engine to find the local information. With this, it is simply that if it’s not your website that is showing in the GMB then it’s your competitor’s site.

Use GMB to increase your sales and business and read its guide to understand that how you can make the most of this platform your business.


A citation is basically a mention of your business online which refers not just to your business name but also your NAP(name, address, phone number). But think of them as your business listing.

If you’re a local business who wants to rank for the geographical targeted search term both on the standard SERPs and the map then you simply cannot avoid citations and their importance they are considered as one of the main factors of off-page seo.

But one of the factors of success in citations is consistency.

Lack of consistency will not help in t success of the citations it is very important that you take the time to ensure that all of your NAP references match up properly.

You can use tools like Semrush’s listing management tool for the audit of your site and manage reviews and clean up all the duplicates as well find new opportunities.

7. Forums

You might be stunned to see that forums are recommended as the off-page seo factor. Because from many years seo spammed forums, comments, and other platforms as a means of not good inks.

Because of this reason, the focus of many has been shifted from forums but let’s look back at that one thing that off-page seo is not always about the links.

When you use this strategy in a proper manner then forums can add real value to your marketing. Rather than using this platform both quora and Reddit for building links think in a different way and go with a different mindset.

Think forums as a way to directly get involved in conservations that are related to your expertise. To position yourself as an expert you need to focus on the questions people are asking.

There are very few platforms that will provide you the opportunity to directly get involved in the open discussions which your potential customers are asking and you can offer to your audience and build a strong trust and relationship.

With a bit of effort and commitment, you can easily build up a strong community and level of trust from your audience on forums. Reddit and Quora are the large-scale platforms to use but the forums in your niche are effective as well.

If your competitors are not on the forums then you can get the complete benefit of the forums by building a strong community by cutting the noise.

8. Events

Events can contribute to your off-page SEO strategy events are making a comeback and they can help you in your off-page SEO.

Now the number of online events is increasing such as webinars is significant and they can go a long way to help you build your brand.

Not only they can help to engage your audience and you will also benefit from a real buzz business that will drive social engagement and even more links to your site.

You can host your event with this is one of the search engines for local niche meets up.

They are of the factors which will contribute to the off-page SEO factor and they build you a strong community and engaging audience as well.

9. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing comes in a number of different forms in 2021. When you go back influencer marketing was all about the bloggers doing sponsored posts. But today influencer marketing is all about social media platforms like Instagram, youtube, and Facebook.

Don’t use influencer marketing as a way of building links unless the links are no-followed links within the sponsored content violates the google webmaster guidelines.

Again it comes down to the point that off-page SEO is not always about the links. influencer marketing can be a great way to reach a new audience and amplify your content and build a strong brand.

10. Guest Posting

Guest posting is also a strong factor of off-page SEO if it’s done right it can contribute more to your marketing strategy than just providing links. Guest posting is all about writing posts for some else’s website and providing value to their audience.

However, there is no denying factor that it is the most commonly used link building factor and it is a most effective marketing strategy

When you execute properly guest posting can help in putting your brand In front of your targeted audience as well the potential customers. It helps in sending the targeted traffic to your website and helps you build your brand in the market.

And one of the realities is that links should not be the only reason for guest posting instead they should be the added benefit if they take place.

The primary objective of guest posting should be to get in front of targeted traffic and to reach a new audience and the main focus should be on building the brand when you approach this technique then you will find it give high returns and value.

11. Content Syndication

Some of the publications will look to syndicate content from other sources in order to supplement their original articles the main reason for doing this is because it is easier than creating fresh content for their website.

Many times you come across sites that syndicate content that is part of a network owned by a TV or a radio group. But publishers are also starting to increase this content that goes live on their site every day.

Yahoo is one of the biggest platforms that syndicate content from other sources.

You might also consider syndicating your own content to other publications to increase your reach and the readers.

Syndicated content is not indexed by google for the reason of related to being a duplicate of the original content but that doesn’t mean it should always be avoided.

Content syndication can help in reaching out to targeted traffic and more eyeballs on your published work which can positively impact on your brand signals even when this results in the URLs that canonicalize to the original URL.

12. Podcast

The podcast is very popular right and they are gaining more listeners every month, in fact, the stats show that 44% of Americans listen to their podcast once in their life while 73 million Americans listen to them monthly.

Podcast than be one of the best off-page SEO factors to build your authority and it drives major traffic to your website. if your not using podcast as a marketing strategy than your missing out on a huge opportunity because this industry will be growing massively in future as well.

Most businesses aren’t using podcasts as their strategy and this means that you can take a competitive advantage in a great way. they are a great way to reach new audiences and build visibility on search engines that aren’t google also you can share your expertise in the particular field.

Apple podcast is also a search engine one that lets you know relevant podcast in your niche with specific keywords. Google podcast is also another which helps in relevant podcasts example listen notes.

Businesses which thinks that SEO should cover more search engines than just Google is the one who succeeds in building a brand and targeting their potential audiences n whichever platform they choose to use.

13. Reviews

Online reputation has never been so important before. Did you know that 93% of people say that online reviews impact their buying decisions? Reviews are big deal and one of the massively off-page factors and online reputation management is something that no business can ignore.

As trust pilot says that one of the underrated advantages of collecting reviews is that when you execute properly. Reviews help Google better understand your site. The most common understanding is that google uses them to drive brand signals which can increase your domain authority and your position in search.

Again it comes down to that point of brand signals. Off-page SEO when getting back to basics it’s all about building your brand and creating signals that will show you as one that deserves to be on the top of the search engine.

A business that collects great reviews online is positioning itself as a brand. Great reviews help you get conversions and trust as well.

Make Sure Your Off-Page SEO Is On Point

As a website, you can’t ignore off-page SEO in 2021 but at the same time, it is important to realize that off-page SEO is not always about building links.

Seo can be achieved by building a brand off-page SEO has shifted its focus on driving brand signals that impact the factors of optimizing the content and ranking that content on other search engines other than google.

If you want to survive in a competitive market then you need to make off-page SEO as a part of the digital strategy and build a brand.

Think of building your brand first it’s a long-term game but if you go with this mindset then you will achieve the off-page in a great way and it will also make a difference in your online presence.

Only getting links should not be your focus your off-page SEO strategy should be focusing more on building a strong community which will help in portraying the brand.

If you liked our article let us know also share your off-page SEO experience we would love to hear from you. feel free to ask if you have any questions.

Also check out our blog on On-Page SEO 


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