on page seo

Google changes its algorithm many times to understand the new content and it’s in a constant state of improvement to rank new content and despite many improvements, it still needs help to understand the content.

To understand the content perfectly on-page SEO comes into the picture it’s like a signal to google in helping to understand the content.

In this complete on-page SEO guide, I’ll explain to you step by step how to do on-page SEO and starting from what is on-page SEO and what are the factors of on-page SEO and much more about on-page SEO.

This guide will be all about the best practices of on-page SEO you can implement on your website to rank in the SERPs and why they are important to implement and include in your own SEO strategy.

If you want more organic traffic then you need to optimize the content for some SEO factors and from that on-page SEO is the one from the past many years off-page SEO is in focus link building and other elements are into trend.

but if you don’t do on-page SEO in a better manner then there are no chances of ranking because google prefers on-page SEO. You need to pay attention to on-page SEO and its fundamentals.

Smart SEO practitioners know that on-page SEO should be prioritized. It’s very important to have an up to date on-page SEO knowledge.

Let’s dive into the complete step-by-step guide of on-page SEO.

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO is a search engine optimization technique that is used to help search engine bots understand your page content by using techniques like optimizing the meta tags and descriptions and headings as it will increase your chance of ranking in search engines.

And also internal linking is the major factor of on-page SEO it’s basically the changes or elements you optimize on-page is known as on-page SEO.

When it comes to optimizing the content than they are two factors that come into the light that’s

•On-page SEO

•Off-page SEO

Offpage SEO is basically the optimization you do outside of your website you won’t do that on the website the best example of this is backlinks.

But today in this article I’ll be discussing all on-page SEO and the techniques used in on-page SEO to rank your blog on search engines.

On-page SEO tools

There are a lot of on-page SEO tools out there in the market that help in the SEO of the page. But these two tools are the popular one

• Semrush (keyword research tool)

• Ahref’s (keyword explorer)

Using this tools ensures that your optimizing the website for search engine and using this tools helps in the modern optimization of your blog.

These tools are something which we have been using for since past many months and it provides you complete data of the search engine and if you use this tools than the probability of you ranking in the search engine will be increased.

Why On-page SEO is important?

On-page SEO is important because it helps the search engine the content on your page as well it will understand the queries typed on the search engine and displays the relevant results.

As search engine becomes more complex and it’s getting difficult to rank in the SERP’s and more competition is in the niches.

Google with all the complex algorithms and is still understanding the user intent and the query people search on the search engine and showing results based on their search query.

Now let’s Get into 11 On-page SEO factors for better ranking in 2023

1. Quality Content

The first and the foremost factor of on-page SEO is quality content make sure your content quality is good and easy to understand. Don’t write unimproved content it will hurt your ranking.

If your content quality is not good your article will not rank writing a good and quality content will increase the chances of ranking on google.

many people write content but it’s not up to the point make sure you’re explaining everything in-depth and every topic of your article is covered in that for better ranking.

2. Meta title

The meta title is one of the important on-page SEO factors. It is important because the more attractive and meaningful your title is the more chances of people clicking on it and if it’s getting more clicks it will rank higher.

Include your keywords in the meta title it will increase the chances of ranking you can also target the keyword in the H1 tag but if it’s not possible you can use keywords in the title.

Don’t repeat the one particular keyword twice you think it will increase your ranking but it will drop your ranking. So make sure you follow the steps before writing the title of your blog.

Your title should be no more than 65 characters because if it’s more than that it’ll lose the clarity of the article make sure you’re title is optimized properly with 65 character attractive look.

3. Proper Permalink

Making a proper URL Is one of the important factors o on-page SEO. if your URL is not displayed properly it’ll not be Attractive and your ranking will be hurt with this.

Make sure your URL is short and pretty don’t use commas, brackets, symbols, and special characters it will make your URL confusing and also not supported by many browsers.

Use dashes to differentiate your URL it’ll look attractive and also be supported by many browsers and this is called pretty links.


www.yourdomainname/on page-SEO-complete-guide

4. Use Proper Heading Tags

Use heading tags to highlight the headings and subheadings in your blog it’s the important factor of on-page SEO also it’ll help your reader understand the important points easily.

In the title we use H1 but to break down the subheading use H2 And H3 also don’t use too many H2 And H3 Tags google algorithm will not understand that.

Proper framing of your headings will help in doing better on-page SEO and increase your ranking chances.

5. Using Table Of Content

Using the table of content will help in doing better on-page SEO of your blog. Some articles are long like more than 4000 words and lot of heading will be included in that if you add a table of content it will be easy for the reader to directly jump into that particular topic.

Using the table of content will be helpful to your readers as well it’s a part of doing better SEO.

In this video, I have explained the table of contents plugin.

6. Meta Description

Meta title and meta description are the primary factors of on-page SEO to do a better on-page SEO you need to consider these two factors.

You should include the targeted keyword in the meta description to avoid using keywords twice. a lot of people will tell you that meta description is not a part of on-page SEO but I don’t agree with them.

A meta description is the ranking factor of on-page SEO to optimize your blog for search engines it’s important because people will read the description before clicking.

Make sure you write a good and attractive description of your blog.

7. Using Images With Alt Text

Image optimization will help in getting more traffic to your blog.

Including keywords in the title and ALT text will help your blog in getting more focused and targeted traffic.

Make sure you include a meaningful name to the image and also don’t forget to provide a description in the wordpress with alt text google will understand what your image is about image.

Some of the other advantages of using images:

• The image says more than a thousand words

• It creates engagement- the more engaging the content is the more time user will be spending on your blog.

• Make sure you compress your images because if your images are larger then it will slow down your website. Also, use cache and CDN.

8. Post Length

Blog length is also important to the factor of on-page SEO. blogs that have less length are more likely to perform less on the search engine.

A blog post that has less length will be considered less informative and is not ranked on the search engine. The new standards include creating a blog post of 1300 words.

Make sure you search for a topic that is informative and less competitive because it will help in ranking your content don’t search for topics that are highly competitive.

If your finding topics that are highly competitive the make sure you write more than the competitors.

Find what they are including in the article and mostly the length of the article because it will help in writing the article more in-depth than their article.

You can use keyword research tools like SemRush to do the competitor’s analysis and find out the keywords and the length of their article.

Sign up and create a free account and start using SEMrush for better keyword research.

9. Add Schema

This is one of the on-page SEO techniques that will help you in ranking by outranking your competitor’s content. adding schema helps search engines to understand your content and your optimizing your content for search engines.

Schema is used for blogs and business websites in the blog it is used as FAQ schema and in the business website, it’ll be used as rating.

Adding schema in wordpress you can use wp review pro and structured data which will help you to add schema to your blog.

If you’re not using wordpress then you can manually add schema to your blog. Adding FAQ schema will help in ranking your blog and also increase your content quality.

If you’re not including FAQ schema in your blog then make sure you include FAQ Schema it will improve your content ranking.

10. Internal Linking

Internal linking is one of the important factors of on-page SEO it will help in building the authority of your website. Internal linking will help your readers spend more time on your website.

Also, it will also pass the page rank from one page to the other page which we called link juice. When you’re doing internal linking use a keyword as an anchor text but don’t overuse it.

According to the search engine algorithm if you’re providing internal links it will think that you’re providing more knowledge than what is displayed on the particular page.

A combination of anchor text and an internal link will pass a link juice to your website. There are a lot of plugins you can use for internal linking but one of the best wordpress plugins for internal linking is link whisper.

Link whisper helps in managing your internal links.

11. External linking

After internal linking the best on-page SEO factor is external linking it is a better choice to link to external sources after internal linking.

If your linking to external websites make sure your content is relevant to their content while linking.

You should link to trusted websites and if you have doubt about the authority of the website then you can provide no-follow tag because it will help Google bots not to crawl the particular website.

You should use no-follow for untrusted websites and do-follow tags for trusted websites.

But trusted websites like Wikipedia and CNN will have content in your niche not only that it will help your website appear credible.

On-page SEO checklist for 2023

Here is a checklist you can use to rank your blog higher and see if your blog is meeting the on-page SEO factors.

On-page SEO factors in 2023

• Remove all the commas from the permalink also the stop words.

• Add multimedia (images, video, slides)

• Optimize images before uploading

• Optimize website speed.

• Create a meta title of 65 characters

• Create meta descriptions for 158 characters and no more than that.

• Use FAQ schema

• Use breadcrumbs

• Use internal linking

• Use the external links to relevant content.

Keyword tips

• Use keywords in the title

• Use keywords In the permalink

• Use keywords I the first 100 words

• Use keywords I the image ALT tag

• Use LSI keywords in the body

• Use LSI keywords In the H2 and H3 tags

• Things not to do in your blog

• Don’t stuff keywords

• Don’t repeat the same tags like H2 and H3 tags

• Don’t repeat more than one H1 tag.

Things to do

• Use keyword in the post title

• Use long-tail keywords

• Add a content length depending on the research and the competition level analyze more than 10 results and see the content length of the competitors and write more than their content.

• Add a call to action at the end of the blog.

Frequently asked questions

Q1. What is on-page SEO?

Ans. On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing your page for the keyword to increase the ranking on the search engine. On-page, SEO includes title, tags, and headings, and most importantly writing quality content on your website.

On-page SEO also includes the practice of optimizing the content as well the post length and placing the keywords in the right manner and not overdoing that.

Q2. How to do on-page SEO in wordpress?

Ans. WordPress offers many on-page SEO plugins and most o the plugin gets your job done but the most popular plugin of wordpress and the plugins we have been using on blogger guidance is

Yoast SEO

Rank math

This plugin will work absolutely good for you and it gets your job done with just a few configurations and you are good to go.

Q3. How can I improve my on-page SEO?

Ans. There are a lot of factors you need to focus on to improve our on-page SEO but some of the suggestions are

Improve titles

Don’t overstuff keywords

Write quality content

Use Internal linking

Use External linking

Use Alt tag.

If you liked our article then let us know about it also share your experience of on-page SEO we would love to hear that from you and feel free to ask if you’ve any questions.

Also, check out our blog on the best keyword research tools


  • Afreen

    Hi i am Afreen i Am Gradaute And A Digital Marketer I Started Blogging In 2018. As We Have Read In Books That Ordinary People Have Extraordinary Dreams I Have The Story Similar To This . I Am Very Fascinated About Living A Life Where Your Dreams Are Converting Into Reality As A Newbie In Initial Days I Struggled Alot In Understanding The Core Concept Of Blogging.

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